1. Become an instructor. If you are a traditionally trained Hawaiian musician and would like to teach students in our program, contact us.
2. If a school near you doesn’t yet participate in the program, but you wish it did, contact us about starting instruction.
3. Donate instruments. If you have an underplayed instrument, one of our students would love to put it to good use! Contact us about an instrument donation.
4. Donate money. We defray the cost of instruments, maintenance and supplies for students, in the program. We greatly appreciate donations. Nā‘ālehu Theatre, Inc. is a 501(c)3 organization, and all contributions are tax deductible. Contact us or donate now.
5. Collaborate. If you’re a professional musician, music educator, or just love what we do, get in touch. We’d love to find a way to make use of your talents.